At St Barnabas CE First and Middle Schools we work hard to ensure that all children are nurtured and flourish. This vision encompasses all of our learners and includes having high aspirations for pupils who have been identified as having SEND.
The SEND Team
DoWMAT SENDCo: Mrs Clare Stockford -
Governor: Claire Roberts
What happens if my child has special educational needs ?
The school works within the graduated response which places the child and family at the centre of all we do. This is key to the provision for children with additional needs. If your child as been identified as having a disability special educational need prior to joining our school our SENDCo will contact you to arrange a home visit. This will ensure that the school can plan the transition to meet the individual needs of your child. If the school identifies gaps in your child's learning they will be monitored and assessed within the school. If the gap cannot be closed through adaptive teaching the class teacher will ask the SENDCo for further assessment and advice. Following school based interventions (delivered both in the classroom and small groups) it may be necessary to ask for further advice and assessment from outside agencies including Educational Psychology, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS), Speech and Language Therapy, Physiotherapy and or Occupational Therapy. At all stages of the identification process the class teacher and SENDCo will maintain an open dialogue with parents and permission will be sought for each external referral.
The assessment, plan, do, review (ADPR) cycle runs on a termly basis.
Assessment - This begins within the school assessments as part of the whole school pupil progress process. During further cycles assessment from external agencies may be used.
Plan- The parents teacher, SENDCo and, where appropriate, child meet to set targets for the coming term. This includes who will support the child at each stage of the plan, ensuring all members of your child's team understand and fulfil their responsibilities.
Do- There is a period of time where your child will be involved in interventions and programs that meet their identified needs. These may require your child to take part in one to one small group activities outside the classroom.
Review- The parents, teacher. SENDCo and, where appropriate, the child meet to discuss how the 'do' part of the cycle has progressed and it's impact on narrowing the gaps. At this point there may be a need to review the APDR cycle with a new plan.
What should I do if I have concerns about my child?
Your child's teacher will be able to answer questions relating to your child's wellbeing and/or progress in the classroom.
If you require more information you can book a meeting with the SENDCo.
Equality Statement
Navigating all that the school and county have to offer children with special education needs and disabilities can be challenging and confusing. We have compiled a list of relevant information to support you to support your child.
Worcestershire Local Offer for SEND
The Local Offer provides information about provision families can expect to be available across education, health and social care for children and young people who have Special Educational Needs (SEN) or are disabled, including those who do not have Education, Health and Care (EHC) plans. You can find out about resources, services, support, activities and events here.
This independent service is a valuable source of advice and support for parents, carers and young people. A link to their website can be found here.
The Graduated Response
Further information on the graduated response can be found here.